I started out using the hackaday article to build a programmer. It was a vile, ugly thing. I didn't go to school for electrical engineering, and it probably shows through in this thing:
The truth of the matter is that the first one didn't work well because I was powering the ESP8266 through my USB-TTL-Serial device. This device had a convenient 3.3V pin, but it put out nowhere near the current required by the module when it starts talking WiFi. So, I added a 3.3V power regulator, capable of 800mA, along with a 330uF capacitor to the circuit. This yielded repeatable results -- much more satisfying than intermittent results.
My third programmer revision was inspired from an article I found when searching for ESP8266 stuff. This board works reliably and I had the forethought to include headers to supply easy access to GND, GPIO0, and GPIO2.
It wasn't long before I realized that my brilliant forethought to add headers for GND, GPIO0, and GPIO2 forgot to include a pin for VCC. Thus, it was no longer brilliant and needed an amendment. Since I was making changes, I added some other improvements to include fancy button label stickers and a stress relief for the wires going to the barrel jack. Eventually I'll get a female barrel jack that I can solder to the protoboard directly, but this will work for now. Revised:
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